Rurban Mission

The Rurban Mission aims to foster Holistic Rural Development and to bring about dignified and healthy living among the rural communities and strengthen community self-governance.


This will be achieved through concurrent interventions in agriculture, livelihoods; social awareness, health, education; water, sanitation, infrastructure development; and capacity development for rural businesses among others.


How is this being done:

   Technology intervention: Unleash the power of modern urban-based technology to improve outcomes in rural areas

  • Capacity building: Capacity building and training of rural businesses especially women led SHGs and skilling for youth to gain dignified employment
  • Improvise education: Improve educational outcomes by plugging gaps in course delivery and pedagogical diversity
  • Curb distress migration: Prevent distress migration from rural to urban areas, arising due to lack of opportunities and facilities that guarantee a decent standard of living
  • Availability of avenues: Provide avenues for community synergies


Key focus areas:

Urban in Rural: Rurban Mission attempts to bridge the existing gaps in order to ensure that the rural areas have amenities which are at par with those in urban India

  • Quality Education: Education, despite major changes, is far behind in villages or in rural areas of India. Hence it is important to concentrate and efforts need to be taken in improving the quality of education
  • Social Synergy: Social synergy aims to create a public good such as a park or a museum or truly anything, in which it is built through collaborative work for the greater good of the public.
  • Business unleash: Rural business is at the heart of rural development. The Rurban Mission aims at supporting Rural Business and make valuable contribution to the overall jobs & growth objectives by tapping into the significant growth potential in rural areas